Friday, November 20, 2009

after so long

hehehehehehe....setelah sekian lama i meninggalkan blog ini, i finally return! waaa...kangen juga ama ni blog. I promise i will write again here ^^

Friday, May 15, 2009

dah lama gak nulis...

hehehe..dah lama banget gak nulis. maap soalnya belum ada ide mo nulis apa en kemarin sempat kesambet demam pesbuk..jadinya blog dilupakan sejenak :)
but don't worry, I am here again and will write again!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Merawat hubungan cinta kasih itu seperti merawat sebuah tanaman langka.
Perlu selalu disiram dengan kasih sayang, kejujuran dan kesetiaan.
Tanpa itu semua hubungan cinta akan jadi kering, hambar dan mati sebelum waktunya.

Itu sebabnya, dalam urusan mencari seorang kekasih, pertanyaannya bukan hanya "apakah kau cinta padaku?" tapi juga, "Apakah kau mau merawat cinta ini bersamaku?"

Friday, February 27, 2009

am i a calculator?

You Are a Calculator

No matter what someone tells you, you're likely to focus on facts and data.

You're a highly analytic person. You are only concerned with what you can know for sure.

You look at situations objectively, and you have no problem approaching problems from multiple angles.

You would make a good analyst or investment banker. You are confident enough to make tough calls and hard decisions.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Books I want to read this March,,,,

1. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri.
2. Beloved, Toni Morrison.
3. Dead Souls, Nikolai Gogol.

My private ambition is to read all the best books in the world.
So help me God, kinokuniya here I come.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Message To Myself

It takes a noble personality to see ignorance and walks away from it quietly...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Caleg Pencuri Motor

Saya gak tau mo ketawa ato mo mengeluh pas baca berita yang satu ini di tempo interaktif. Ada caleg ketangkap polisi karena kedapatan lagi nyuri motor di Pulogadung.

Kok bisa ada caleg nyuri motor? Kok bisa ada pencuri motor jadi caleg?

Coba aja pikir gimana jadinya kalo yang model begini jadi dewan perwakilan rakyat? Pasti mikirnya cuma mo curi curi terus. lama2 ntar bukan vox populi vox dei lagi tapi malah jadi vox populi vox pencuri..

Begini ini nih yang bikin Indonesia majunya pelan kayak siput lagi sakit perut.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

PRT, stand up for your rights!

In August 2007, two maids from Lampung, working for a family in Jatinegara, were beaten and scalded with hot water and locked in a cabinet for drinking the milk of their employer's children.

In July 2008, a housewife (with a history of mental illness) beat her maid to death in South Kedoya, West Jakarta.

National Network for Domestic Workers Advocacy has recorded 412 cases of domestic worker abuse between 2000-2007.

Not to mention some domestic workers receive very low pay for very heavy work. No weekly holidays and have few opportunities to socialize outside their workplace.
(Jakarta Post, Feb 16 2009)

What should we do???

I personally think that we should have legal protection for domestic workers.
We should also change the employers' perspective, domestic workers are professional workers...not slaves!

Monday, February 16, 2009

what did you do last saturday?

Begitu masuk kantor tadi pagi langsung deh orang kanan kiri pada nanya, "valentine ngapain aja?"


Ngapain aja ya? Pastinya saya ama Ahyen sama2 punya konsep yang sama, merayakan kasih sayang itu gak perlu pake hari khusus dan gak perlu overacting pula.
Sooo, kemarin itu kami mam ketoprak sambil ngobrol2 di rumah, malemnya nonton live rock band yang super keren di summarecon. what a totally fun day. Rock on bebe!

I Love Monday

Hot coffee,
Chocolate Bread,
Internet Connection,
Quiet Morning,

Ummm...Thank you Lord, what a lovely monday.